Wednesday 24 April 2013

11th February in Swami Vivekananda Life

11 February :
11 Feb 1893 - from Hyderabad letter to Alasinga - His plan to go to America are learns as he lives, and experience is the greatest teacher in the world. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, for Thine is the glory and the kingdom for ever and ever."
11 Feb 1897 : Swami Vivekananda spoke at Madras on 'The Sages of India' - the Vedantic religion does not require any such personal authority. Its sanction is the eternal nature of man, its ethics are based upon the eternal spiritual solidarity of man, already existing, already attained and not to be attained......The definition is that the Rishi is the Mantra-drashtâ, the seer of thought....."This Atman is not to be reached by too much talk, no, not even by the highest intellect, no, not even by the study of the Vedas themselves."...You may exhaust the literature of the world that is past, and I may assure you that you will have to exhaust the literature of the world of the future, before finding another Sita. Sita is unique; that character was depicted once and for all. There may have been several Ramas, perhaps, but never more than one Sita! She is the very type of the true Indian woman, for all the Indian ideals of a perfected woman have grown out of that one life of Sita; and here she stands these thousands of years, commanding the worship of every man, woman, and child throughout the length and breadth of the land of Âryâvarta. There she will always be, this glorious Sita, purer than purity itself, all patience, and all suffering. She who suffered that life of suffering without a murmur, she the ever-chaste and ever-pure wife, she the ideal of the people, the ideal of the gods, the great Sita, our national God she must always remain.....Only let me say now that if I have told you one word of truth, it was his and his alone, and if I have told you many things which were not true, which were not correct, which were not beneficial to the human race, they were all mine, and on me is the responsibility.

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