Thursday 25 April 2013

20th February in Swami Vivekananda Life

20 February :

20 Feb 1894 : Letter: SV to Mrs. G.W. Hale - My lectures here are over. I have made some very good friends here, amongst them Mr. Palmer,* President of the late World's Fair. I am thoroughly disgusted with this Slayton* business and am trying hard to break loose.

Newspaper Report: Detroit Evening News
Newspaper Report: Detroit Journal :- . It would have done more credit to our Christianity for the bishop to have accepted without comment Vive Kananda's assertion that there is comparatively little drunkenness in India than to have proved its falsity by admitting that a Christian nation, professing a civilization and a religion far in advance of that of Buddha, introduced that degrading vice to a temperate and religious people, and spread it broadcast there through insatiate love of gain. It is a more bitter reflection upon our boasted Christianity than any Vivekananda made....

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