Monday 30 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 49

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as admirer of Indian womanhood - 2

When Nivedita was on her tour in the West, she went to the Church to pray for Mrs Sara Bull who was ill. That time what she experienced can be seen in her own words,
Beloved Mother:

        This morning, early, I went to church – to pray for Sara. All the people there were thinking of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and suddenly I thought of you. Your dear face, and your loving look, and your white Sari and your bracelets. It was all there. And it seemed to me that yours was the presence that was to soothe and bless poor S. Sara's sickroom. And – do you know? – I thought I had been very foolish to sit in your room, at the evening service to Sri Ramakrishna, trying to meditate.  Why did I not understand that it was quite enough to be a little child at your dear feet? Dear Mother! You are full of love! And it is not a flushed and violent love, like ours, and like the world's but a gentle peace that brings good to everyone and wishes ill to none. It is a golden radiance, full of play.  What a blessed Sunday that was, a few months ago, when I ran in to you, the last thing before I went on the Ganges, and ran back to you for a moment, as soon as I came back!  I felt such a wonderful freedom in the blessing you gave me, and in your welcome home! Dearest Mother – I wish we could send you a wonderful hymn, or a prayer.  But somehow even that would seem too loud, too full of noise!  Surely you are the most wonderful thing of God – Sri Ramakrishna's own chalice of His Love for the world – a token left with His children, in these lonely days, and we should be very still and quiet before you – except indeed for a little fun! Surely the wonderful things of God are all quiet – stealing unnoticed into our lives – the air and the sunlight and the sweetness of gardens and of the Ganges, these are the silent things that are like you!

Do send to poor S. Sara the mantle of your peace.  Isn't your thought, now and then, of the high calm that neither loves nor hates?  Isn't that a sweet benediction that trembles in God, like the dew-drop on the lotus-leaf, and touches not the world?

Ever, my darling Mother, your foolish Khooki (Child)


To be continued...

Thursday 26 April 2018

निवेदिता - एक समर्पित जीवन - 33

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:


  • वर्तमान में प्रकृत कार्य है -सर्वविध तात्पर्य एवं अर्थबोध के साथ ही भारत में सर्वत्र 'राष्ट्रीयता' शब्द का प्रचार करना। यह विराट चेतना सब समय भारत में विद्यमान रहे। इस राष्ट्रीयता के द्वारा ही हिन्दू तथा मुसलमान देश के प्रति एक गम्भीर प्रेम से एकत्र होंगे। इसका मतलब है- इतिहास तथा प्रचलित राजनीति को एक नयी दृष्टि से देखना, धर्म में रामकृष्ण-विवेकानंद भाव का समावेश तथा सर्वधर्मसमन्वय। समझना होगा की राजनितिक स्मृति तथा अर्थनैतिक संकट मात्र गौण है, प्रत्येक भारतवासी के द्वारा भारत की राष्ट्रीयता की उपलब्धि ही प्रकृत कार्य है।
  • केवल जगत के समक्ष भारत कापरिचय प्रदान ही नहीं करना है, अपितु भारत की मर्मवाणी को प्रत्येक के द्वारा, भारत की राष्ट्रीयता को अपनाना ही प्रकृत कार्य है।
  • हे भारत की सन्तानों ! तुम लोग अपने सारे प्राचीन महापुरुषों की पुजा करना सीखो। गहन ज्ञान का आह्वान करो। चिंतन करो-जो भाषा तुमको प्राचीन की गम्भीरता में निहित अतुल सम्पदा का अविष्कार करने में सहायता प्रदान करेगी, वह तुम्हारे निकट ही है, विदेशियों के पास नहीं। इस प्रगाढ़ अनुसन्धित्सा,इस सत्य के उद्घाटन के ऊपर ही भारत का भविष्य निर्भर है। जो सत्य को केंद्र बनाकर चलता है, उत्साह एवं उद्दीपना हीउसका अशेष पाथेय बनता है, निराशा उसे रोक नहीं सकती। आज प्रत्येक भारतीय भाषा में वृहत साहित्य की रचना करनी होगी। इस साहित्य के माध्यम से प्राचीन को मुखर करना होगा, वर्तमान को रूप देना होगा तथा इन दोनों के समन्वय से ही भारत का उज्जवल चरित्र प्रस्फुटित होगा।
  • भारत की राष्ट्रीयता का स्वप्न भारत के स्वार्थपरक नहीं है- यह है मानवता का स्वप्न, जहाँ भारतमाता विराट आदर्श जननी है जो कुछ भी महान, प्रेममय तथा सर्वव्यापी हो, उसको हमरी मातृभूमि पालनतथा धारण करने वाली होगी।
  • इसका कोई विशेष महत्व नहीं है कि किसने, किस कर्मधारा को ग्रहण किया है। उन्हें हम लोग अवश्य ही राष्ट्रीय नेता का सम्मान प्रदान करेंगे, यदि वे यथार्थ कर्म द्वारा वास्तविक आत्मोत्सर्ग के द्वारा एकान्तिक देशभक्ति का परिचय दें। हे मेरे भारतीय जनगण, हे पददलित आज्ञ, असहाय जनगण ! थोड़ा स्वर ऊंचा करो, ताकि तुम्हारा क्रन्दन सुना जाए, तुम्हारे सहज सुख को जान सकें तथा हम अपने ह्रदय को तुम्हारे साथ ही समवेत दुःख-कष्ट, समवेत प्रेम में सम्मिलित कर सकें।

Wednesday 25 April 2018

निवेदिता - एक समर्पित जीवन - 32

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

मातृभूमि का गान

  • भारतीय राष्ट्र अधिक शक्तिशाली है। अपनी शक्ति की अनुभूति राष्ट्र को स्वयं करनी है तथा इसके लिए जुटकर व्यक्ति को प्रबल चेष्टा करनी होगी। उसकी प्रगति को कोई नहीं रोक सकेगा। मकड़ी के जालों के समान सारी कठिनाइयां तोड़ दी जाएगीं।
  • पारिवारिक सम्बन्धों की शक्ति में, पारिवारिक जीवन की मर्यादा में, अखिल धर्म की योजना में, व्यक्तिगत विकास के स्थान की व्यापक समझ में, आनन्द  की शक्ति में, गरिमा,अल्पव्ययिता व आक्रामक क्रिया-कलाप से रहित सतत परिश्रम में, किये  गए व हो रहे कार्य के कलात्मक सम्मान में तथा सबसे ऊपर, किसी भी समय सारी क्षमताओं को एकाग्र कर पाने की योग्यता में, भारत के अति निर्धन वर्ग भी चाहे किसी भी धर्म के हों, पश्चिम में अपने से कही ऊंचे स्तर के लोगों की तुलना में श्रेष्ठ रहेंगे।
  • जहां तक हो सकेगा, मैं भारत की सभी बातों के मर्म में प्रवेश करूंगी। या तो एक कक्ष से मूक सन्देश निःसृत करती गुप्त वाणी बनकर या महानगरों में उच्छृंखल व उत्पाती व्यक्तित्व के रूप में, इसकी मुझे परवाह नहीं; किन्तु मेरा ईश्वर मुझे अपने उत्साह को पश्चिमी मिथ्या आचरणों पर व्यर्थ न करने दे। इससे श्रेष्ठ तो आत्महत्या ही है। मेरे आदि बिन्दु व लक्ष्य दोनों ही भारत है। यदि भारत चाहे तो पश्चिम की चिन्ता करे।
  • पहली बार अतीत की स्तुति, राष्ट्रीय जीवन के गान की रचना करने व गाने के दायित्व सहित आधुनिक रूप में भारत के लोगों के सामने ऐतिहासिक बोध को संजोने का अवसर है। इस तथ्य के पल भर के बोध के समान भारत में उदय होते नवयुग की श्रेष्ठता जैसा हर्षोल्लास हमें अन्य वस्तुएं नहीं दे सकती।
  • अपने अतीत की जिस गौरवगाथा की आशा मातृभूमि करती है उसे आधुनिक आलोचक की कुशलता तथा प्राचीन रचनाकार के महाकाव्य लिखने के उत्साह से जोड़ना होगा......  विदेशी लेखक वृतान्त, कहानियां व स्मृतियां लिखता है,किन्तु स्वयं अपनी सन्तान के अतिरिक्त मातृभूमि का यह गान क्या कोई और लिख सकता है ?
  • सबकी दुर्बलता, दुर्भाग्य या कष्ट में ही नहीं, वरन सबके देशप्रेम,उत्तराधिकार,संघर्ष व जीवन की अत्यधिक संयुक्त, वास्तविक,सदा शक्तिशाली अमर चेतना में तब यह सारा राष्ट्र एक हो जाएगा। हां ! सभी की नियति व सभी की आशा में भी। अतः मैं आपके सामने सम्पूर्ण श्रद्धा,कृतज्ञ मन व प्रेम के साथ एक ऐसी प्रिय वाणी द्वारा कुछ ही वर्ष पूर्व कहे गए शब्दों को दोहराती हूं  जो आपको भी याद है, इन महान शब्दों में उनका सन्देश इस देश के प्रति सदा के लिए है-उठो, जागो , संघर्ष करो तथा लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति तक रुको नहीं।
    • मुझे विश्वास है कि भारत अखण्ड है, अमर है,एक है।
    • एक ही गृह, एक ही  रूचि व प्रेम इस राष्ट्रीयता एकता के आधार है।
    • मुझे विश्वास है की वेदों व उपनिषदों में, धर्मो व साम्राज्यों के निर्माण में, विद्वानों के ज्ञान में तथा ऋषियों के ध्यान में जिस शक्ति का निरूपण हुआ है, उसका हमारे बीच एक बार फिर जन्म हुआ है तथा उसका नाम राष्ट्रीयता है।
    • मुझे विश्वास है कि  भारत की वर्तमान जड़े उसके अतीत की गहराई में है तथा उसका भविष्य अत्यन्त गौरवशाली है।
    • ओ राष्ट्रीयता,तू चाहे आनन्द के रूप में या लज्जा के रूप में आये और मुझे अपना बना ले।

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 48

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as admirer of Indian womanhood - 2

'When we come to the charge that Indian women are ignorant, we meet with a far deeper fallacy. They are ignorant in the modern form, that is to say, few can write, and not very many can read. Are they then illiterate? If so, the Mahabharata and Ramayana and the Purana stories every mothers and every grandmother tell to the babies, are not literature. But European novels and the Strand Magazine by the same token are. Can anyone accept this paradox?'

'The fact is, writing is not culture, though it is an occasional result of culture… To those who know Indian life, it is easy to see that an Indian woman who has the education of an Indian home-the dignity, the gentleness, the cleanliness, the thrift, the religious training, the culture of mind and heart which that home-life entails, though she cannot sign her name, may be is infinitely better educated in every true sense, and in a literary sense also, than her glib critic.'

Nivedita placed the Holy Mother in the inmost core of her heart. She was Mother's dear 'Khooki'. She would be overwhelmed in joy whenever she would come in Mother's presence and behave like a child, basking in Mother's affection. One day Nivedita came to the Mother's house and sat beside her after prostrating to her respectfully. The Mother also, as usual, enquired of her welfare and then presenting to her a small piece of woolen fan, said, 'I have knit this for you.' Nivedita was beside herself with joy getting the fan. She at once put it on her head, then touched it on her bosom and kept muttering: 'How beautiful! How splendid!' She showed it to all others saying. 'Look, how beautiful! The Mother has done it.' Observing her, the Mother said: 'Look, how she's delighted getting such an insignificant thing! Oh, how simple is her faith! As if, the image of a goddess!

To be continued...

Monday 23 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 47

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as admirer of Indian womanhood - 1

Nivedita would be charmed by observing in the Indian women their characteristic sweetness, magnanimity, selflessness, the motherly feeling and the natural attitude of self-denial. While Nivedita went to the West along with Swamiji-this was Swamiji's second trip to the West-she said in a lecture in London (February 1901) that, 'Perhaps there was nothing on earth more fair than a Hindu household.' The ideal of Indian womanhood was essentially self-denial and selflessness. She wished to provide the Hindu women with the secular education of the modern West, but she knew that this must not be done at the cost of their traditional ideals and spirituality.

She could form this high notion about Indian women due to her intimate association with the inner household at Baghbazar locality, and above everything, by observing the Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi. One day Swami Saradananda said rather casually in some context, 'Our women folk are but ignorant…' But Nivedita did not give him the chance to complete his statement. She said rather loudly. 'Indian women are never ignorant. Has anyone ever heard such words of knowledge from the lips of the women of those countries (she used to refer to the West as 'those countries')?'

Whenever she lectured, she spoke about Indian women, and held high the banner of Indian ideals of womanhood. She did this specially because of the fantastic stories fabricated and told by the Christian missionaries about the ignorance and oppression of the women of India. On her return from the West in 1902, she said in her first speech at Madras, '….To all who make this statement, we may answer that Indian women are certainly not oppressed. The crime of ill-treating women is less common and less brutal in form here than in other countries. And the happiness, the social importance, and I may say, the lofty character of Indian women are amongst the grandest possessions of the national life'.

To be continued...

Thursday 19 April 2018

From the letters of Sister Nivedita

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

To Miss J. Macleod

21A High Street, Wimbledon
January 11th, 1901

Tomorrow will be a month since the day of the operation-when Dr. Bose lay down on the talbe and said "Now Gentle man you may cut away!" And he has done 3 days' laboratory work this week, doing an enormous amount in the time! Isn't it splendid? The Indian blood has vindicated itself this time and everyone says that only his abstemious habits could possible account for so quick a recovery. The risks he ran seem also to have been greater than we knew at the time. So thank heaven - and still more S.R.K. and the King, as my private superstition declares - for the fact that we are well through.

Last Sunday I lectured twice at Tunbridge Wells, and met Sarah Grand there. It was an extraordinary thing that came to me there. I told you that I was trying to lay hold of Brahmoism. Well, S. Sara says I am not doing that at all, but at any rate, on Sunday night it was a religious service at which I had to speak, and I found myself taking the highest part of everything Swami had ever given us. Then I understood in a flash that my notion about Brahmoism had been a kind of call to me to do this, which I should never have done, perhaps, without that invitation from another's need. So I am able to realise that I really any may have been using images to thwart and blind my vision of the One. And that until I have achieved that vision, I may not go back to the Image. I cannot tell you the peace of this discovery. And is it not a wonderful proof of the truth of Advaita that Swami is so tremendous that every path means faithfulness to him?

How I have realised that, in talking to Dr. Bose sometimes! He would not discuss with me the points on which Swami and he differed because it would be dishonourable. And I have always had to urge:"Don't you see this man is so large that as long as you are faithful to Truth and to yourself, you CANNOT be in antagonism to him?"

In the same, way it is extraordinary to see in Dr. Bose how that old idea of Advaita behind him saves him from errors that other men of science walk into blindfold. These are the proofs that I love - not words and logic - and juggling of that kind, which is comparatively easy, but experience of one grade or another, even where it is not the highest - "Make us both the same brahman!"

It is nice to hear that my country people have their social virtues. I think if one is within the ring, there is no one like them in the world. But I pray never to forget for one moment what it is to be outside that ring! To know that all our talk of Freedom - Freedom for all the peoples of the Earth - Freedom for every man of every people of the Earth - for this was how I saw the national ideal - to know that all this meant only British comfort, success and gold, has been such a feast of ashes to me as leaves me with no power of rebound at all. I am permanently embittered and disillusioned, I much fear. Yet there are a few honest men here all the same. But has any Ninkiveh ever been entirely without its Jonahs? I don't think the honesty of a few can be counted specially to England's credit, since it belongs surely to all Hunamity.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

From the letters of Sister Nivedita

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

To Miss J. MacLeod

21A High Sr. Wimbledon
Jan 4, 1901

I wish I could come to you Dear, and tell you everything and ask you what I ought and ought not to do.

And yet the very thought of such a thing seems like selfishness. But it is so difficult to know the Right - so difficult Yum Yum. And so easy to go through life simply fighting and opposing. Have I any business to go on in England? Is it a real call to stay here? - or only a fancied call? As far as wishes go - my whole soul is in India. I am more and more convinced that there is nothing to be done outside. And what I am doing here seems the merest fancy-work.

Your words - "In whom I have all faith" - hit me hard. Do I deserve you faith? How long shall I deserve it? I donot know. I can not tell. Only I am trying to do right, with all my heart. If you feel prompted to wire "start at once for India," you may be sure that I shall do it without fail.

I am trying to get the whole of the Brahmo feeling and tradition honestly. And it seems a right and necessary side to get. There has been a tremendous resolution on his side to overcome - for he felt that honour could never permit my hearing his views from him. But at last I think I am getting it all. And I am throwing myself into it completely, as I think S.R.K. would wish me to do, and trying, if that might be, to reach GOD that way. You will remember that we (or at least I) did not love even Shiva and Kali at first. Even S.R.K. can not have loved all religions equally. So I may say without any disloyalty to the effort I am making that at present it is dreadfully like the Puritanism of my childhood. But I feel strongly that the more this is the fact, the more must I try to do it. And sometimes I am quite clear and sure that the call and the effort come straight from S.R.K. Himself. And at other times I think of Swami and shudder - for I do not think he could understand or approve - and to be disapproved of by him is still the uttermost death to me. Moreover, I seem to be casting away all that I have lived for - all that it has been Freedom to possess - so far. But how mean even to think in such a way! As if it were so dreadful to see one's own miserable little self in the wrong! No wonder one is so shy of seeing it hungry or cold or ridiculed!

The Brahmavadin review of Kali is too awful. It explains frankly to an inquisitive world hat Vireshwar was Swami's family name - etc - !

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 46

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as a writer - 4

Writings of Nivedita were a symphony of her insight in Indian wisdom and tradition, her intense love for India, her sharp intellect and her mastery over language. So beautiful, deep and moving were her writings that it is really difficult to translate those in other languages. May be that is the reason that most of her literature even today remains un-translated. Her literature has not only historical and literary value but are good guide in the task of nation-building too.

For example: while comparing with other nations she sums up in few words the journey and contribution of Hindu Nation from antiquity to till now. She writes, "Let it be said that to every people who possess the elements of truly national existence, with the responsibility of facing the problems of a nation, this question sooner or later comes to be faced. Have we in the past dreamt dreams great enough, thought thoughts noble enough, willed with a will clear enough, to enable us to strike out new paths into the untried, without error and without defeat? And perhaps of all the peoples of the world only the Hindu people, to this searching enquiry can answer yes".

Therefore, not just because Sister Nivedita was a great example of transformation but we have to study her life and works also because, even today she can give insight to us - the English educated -about our own nation and its significance.

Nivedita had the habit of taking down the notes of whatever Swami Vivekananda used to say during her training period. Then she would think over it. It helped her then to understand what Swamiji was trying to say. But once the soul of India was revealed to her, later with her powerful pen she interpreted it to the world. The best of Nivedita's books on Indian national life, a masterpiece, is 'The Web of Indian Life' and 'The Cradle tales of Hinduism'. As soon as the book 'The Web of Indian Life' was published it created quite a stir in India and abroad. The book is a respectful commentary on Indian culture. Through this book, Nivedita tried to give a fitting reply to all the slander and vile representations so far made by the Western scholars of Indian culture and civilization.

But Nivedita did not think that she had authored the book. She thought it was Swamiji's book. She only recorded the image of India that Swamiji had laid open before her. Dedicating the book, she inscribed the following words, which were favourites of Swamiji-Wahe Guru ki Fateh! Rabindranath Tagore wrote the introduction to its 1918 edition. Immediately after its publication, Nivedita wrote to Miss Josephine MacLeod, her intimate friend and the great admirer and friend of Vivekananda. 'You know that my book is out. I trust you really feel that it was written by Swami, I suppose it is.' In another letter to Miss Macleod she wrote: 'Suppose he had not come to London that time. Life would have been like a headless torso-for I always knew, I always said that a call would come. And it did…. Now I look at the book, and say: "If he had not come!" – for always I had that burning voice within, but nothing to utter. How often and often I have sat down, pen in hand, to speak, and there was no speech. And now, there is no end to it! As surely as I am fitted for my world, so surely is my world in need of me, waiting…'
Nivedita's book on Swami Vivekananda 'The Master as I saw Him' is the masterpiece. Nivedita's whole being has been expressed in it as a poetry in prose form. It is so beautiful and ethereal that even today its accurate, candid and moving translation is not done. Whatever was the best of her soul and her pen, is reflected in that book. 

To be continued...

Monday 16 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 45

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as a writer - 3

Just one interaction! It infused true patriotism in Bharati's heart, and wiped away forever the sense of caste and sex differentiation. Bharati returned to Madras a completely changed man. Thereafter he appeared as a vibrant and fiery poet of patriotism. Never thereafter did he admit any caste differentiation. Throwing all the rules and prohibitions of the society to the winds, he, being a Brahmin himself, used to dine with everybody. He held the women kind in high esteem and used to involve his wife in all activities, and even walked along the road with her by his side. He would not care for anyone's frowning or criticism.

Subramanya Bharati used to regard Nivedita as his Guru, and dedicated his two poetry books to her name. In the preface of one of the books he wrote: 'I offer this little book at the feet of my Provider of Learning who, by unfolding the spiritual vision of Mother India, infused in me the love for the Motherland, just as Sri Krishna by showing His Cosmic form to Arjuna conferred on him true Self-knowledge.' The second one he dedicated with the words: 'I humbly offer this book to Devi Nivedita, the spiritual daughter of Bhagavan Vivekananda. Without uttering a single word and within a fraction of a moment she made me realize the true form of service to the Motherland and the glory of self-sacrifice'.

Dinesh Sen was good historian though not very courageous. Once when she was going out with him and one monk a bull came from the front, Dinesh Sen ran away to safety. But the monk came in front of Nivedita and stood ground. The bull retreated. Nivedita was shocked and unhappy about this selfish coward behavior of Dinesh Babu. But that did not make her reject him. At heart, Nivedita was very fond of Dinesh Babu. Nivedita used to say that she respected Dinesh Babu because she found true patriotism in him. She helped him much in the publication of his on the history of Bengal in English. For one year, she worked on this, going through the entire manuscript minutely and editing it. Sometimes they worked on it from morning till 10 o'clock at night with hardly an interval of a few minutes. Dinesh Sen wrote that if Nivedita would take over any responsibility, she worked thoroughly, involving herself as though it were her own task. She helped Jagadish Chandra Bose in a similar way with his scientific writing.

To be continued...

Sunday 15 April 2018

From the letters of Sister Nivedita

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

17, Bose Para Lane, Bagh Bazaar, Culcutta
[Jan 28, 1903]

To Miss J. Macleod

Indeed, I am glad to work,as Swamiji worked, alone. He cried for men, dear yum. But He did not know that until the curtain had fallen, it would not be clear what was the idea for which he had lived. When that idea should stand revealed, men would flock round Him in millions. As Ramakrishna was unconscious-even so was He, who never dreamt that He was or could be unconscious.

Men come of themselves, now. No one is necessary. He is the magnet-and that draws the steel dust of itself.

To Alberta and Hollister Struges

We have had a Universities Commission lately, which has done its very best to kill all Education, and especially all Science Education.

This is THE point in India's wrongs that fires me -
The right of India to be India.
The right of India to think for herself.
The right of India to knowledge.
Where this not the great grievance, I might be fired by her right to bread-to justice-to other things-but this outweights all.
When one reads the Gita it means very little, apart from national conditions. What a teeming multiform vitality necessitated such a philosophy.

When will the Motherland rise again-the Gita in one hand, and the Sword in the other?

"For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the Evil, for the firm establishment of the national of the national righteousness, I am born again and again" -so the great verse should be translated -and He was born -was He not? -passing only the other day.

But every day it grows more na dmore impossible that to this India Sri Ramakrishna should come again!

Thursday 12 April 2018

Subramaniam Bharathi and Sister Nivedita

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita asked Subramaniam Bharathi to take up 'Vande Mataram' as a divine mantra and unite & empower the enslaved people of Bharat.

When Bharathi took leave of Nivedita, she blessed him saying that a great future awaited him and that his name would find a place in history. She presented him with a dry leaf that she had brought from the Himalayas which resembled the leaf of the banyan tree.

Bharathi came back to Madras a completely transformed man. when others around him were worshipping different gods and goddesses to fulfill their desires, he saw Bharat Mata alone everywhere and in everything. He started worshipping 'Bharatambika' that is 'Divine Mother Bharat'. When first collection of his patriotic poems was published as 'Swadesh Geetangal- Pat 1' he dedicated it to Sister Nivedita. He wrote in the dedicatory remark :"Like Sri Krishna who conferred on Arjuna the divine knowledge of the Self by giving him the vision of His divine Cosmic form, Devi Nivedita is my guru who bestowed on me true devotion to mother land by unfolding before me the vision of the Cosmic Form of Bharat Mata.'

The second collection of his poems called 'Janma Bhoomi' was also dedicated to Sister Nivedita. 'I dedicate this work to Devi Nivedita, the spiritual daughter of Bhagavan Vivekananda, who showed me in the fraction of a second and without the help of words the nature of pure service to the motherland and the greatness of self-sacrifice.'

Bharathi also wrote :

Nivedita, Mother

Temple consecrated to love

Sun dispelling my soul's darkness

Rain to the parched land of our lives,

Helper of the Helpless, Offering of Grace,

Destructive fire to the evil in men,

My salutations to you, Mother

Wednesday 11 April 2018

निवेदिता - एक समर्पित जीवन - 31

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

निवेदिता की ओजस्वी वाणी
  • श्रीरामकृष्ण एवं स्वामीजी - ये दोनों जीवन ही भारत के अखण्ड सत्य हैं। इन दोनों महाजीविनों के अन्तर्गत ही समग्र भारत की एकता निहित है। भारतवर्ष इन दोनों महापुरुषों को हृदय में धारण करेगा- इसी की सबसे अधिक आवश्यकता है।
  •  मैं विश्वास करती हूँ - भारतवर्ष एक अखण्ड,अविभाज्य देश है। एक आवास, एक स्वार्थ, एक सम्प्रति के ऊपर ही राष्ट्रीय ऐक्य गठित है। मैं विश्वास करती हूं - भारतवर्ष का वर्तमान उसके अतीत के साथ घनिष्ठ रूप से संबद्ध है तथा उसेक सामने एक गौरवमय भविष्य जाज्वललयमान है। विश्वजनीन भावों के अंशस्वरूप राष्ट्रीय भावों को आतमगत करना होगा तथा उसके लिए प्रयोजनानुसार अचारों के बन्धन को तोडना होगा; परन्तु ऐसा व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ के लिए नहीं होना चाहिए। स्वार्थरहित मानव मानो वज्र हो सके। कैसे ? यह प्रश्न हमारा नहीं है। लेखा-जोखा भी हम लोगों के लिए नहीं है। हम लोगों के लिए है - केवल वेदी पर आत्म-बलिदान।
  • जब कोई मानवजाती के कल्याणार्थ सम्पूर्ण आत्मदान करता है, तब वह देवता के हस्तस्थित वज्र के समान शक्तिसम्पन्न हो जाता है। अशिक्षित असहायक एक मानव के ऊपर अत्याचार करना सहज है, किन्तु सचेतन संगठित दस हजार मनुष्य के ऊपर अत्याचार करना कठिन है स्वयं चिन्तन कर मार्ग का सन्धान करो। अपने चिंतन को कार्य में परिणत करो। अतीत के भ्रान्तियों से शिक्षा ग्रहण करो।
  • जीवन,जीवन,जीवन, मैं जीवन चाहती हुं तथा जीवन का एकमात्र पर्यायवाची शब्द है स्वाधीनता। वैसा नहीं होने पर मृत्यु ही श्रेय है।
  • ऐसे जीवन की धारणा करो जिसमें समस्वार्थ, सम्प्रयोजन तथा पारस्पारिक सहायता का कर्तव्यबोध उदबुद्ध हो। मैं प्रेम करती हूं, दुःख से, संग्राम से, आत्मबलिदान से, उसका अधिकार हमें प्राप्त हो।
  • प्रत्येक सुशिक्षित नर-नारी अपने राष्ट्र के लिए, सारी मानवजाति के इतिहास में श्रेष्ठ स्तम्भस्वरूप है। देश को शरीर,मन से बलिष्ठ देशप्रमी ही देश का उत्थान कर सकेंगे। वही वीर है जो युद्ध करता है, युद्ध करो, युद्ध करो, केवल युद्ध करो। परन्तु उसमें नीचता अथवा कटुता न रहे। जब संग्राम का आह्वान आएगा, तब सोना मत। संकट के समय भयभीत  होना, निरापति के लिए लालायित होना कपट आध्यात्मिकता है। आध्यात्मिकता के छद्मवेश को धारण कर घृणित स्वच्छन्दता का सन्धान करने वाला, जीवन के युद्धक्षेत्र से कापुरुष की तरह पलायन करने वाला देशप्रेम है-कपट देशप्रेम। 
  • राष्ट्रीयता को वास्तविक रूप से देने हेतु आवश्यक है सभी बच्चों के समक्ष उसके देश के इतिहास को प्रत्यक्ष माध्यम बनाना।
  • न्याय का पथ अवरोध कर जो खड़े है, वे सावधान हो जाएं।
  • सारे इतिहास में ऐसे लग्न उपस्थित होते है, जब निर्मम, निष्ठुर लोग कांप उठते है, ईश्वर की करुणा हेतु प्रार्थना कर चीत्कार कर उठते है, परन्तु देखते है, वह उनके लिए अदृश्य है।
  • छात्र लोग तीर्थयात्री की तरह भारत के विभिन्न स्थानों का भ्रमण करें, क्योंकि स्थान के सम्बन्ध में प्रत्यक्ष अभिज्ञता की ही आवश्यकता है। हम लोग क्या अपने बाल-बच्चों के अन्दर परदुःख -कतराता प्रस्फुटित नहीं कर सकते ? यह परदुःख -कतराता पही सभी मनुष्यों के दुःख, देश की दुरावस्था तथा वर्तमान में धर्म कितना विपदाग्रस्त है, यह जानने हेतु आग्रह प्रदान करेगा। यह ज्ञान होने के साथ ही देश में अनेक शक्तिशाली कर्मवीरों का जन्म होगा, जो केवल कर्म के लिए ही कर्म करेंगे तथा स्वदेश एवं स्वदेशवासियों की सेवा के लिए मृत्यु को भी आलिंगन करने हेतु प्रस्तुत रहेंगे।
  • नारियां ही सभी देश में नीति तथा सदाचारों की आदर्श रक्षाकत्री होती है।
  • शिक्षा ही तो भारतवर्ष की समस्या है। कैसे प्रकृत शिक्षा राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा की व्यवस्था हो सकती है, यूरोप के निकृष्ट अनुकरण के बदले भारतवर्ष की एक प्रकृत सन्तान के रूप में तुम लोगों का गठन किया जा सके-यही समस्या है। तुम लोगों की शिक्षा होगी-हृदय.,आत्मा तथा मस्तिष्क का उन्नति साधन। तुम्हारी शिक्षा का लक्ष्य होगा-परस्पर एवं अतीत तथा वर्तमान जगत के बीच सक्षात योगसूत्र स्थापित करना। शिक्षा का अर्थ बहरी ज्ञान तथा शक्ति संचय करना नहीं, अपने भीतर की शक्ति को सम्यक रूप से विकसित करने के साधना है। भारतवर्ष की शिक्षा की भित्ति है-त्याग और प्रेम। आत्मत्याग के द्वारा ही प्रेम का जन्म होता है तथा प्रेम के द्वारा ही त्याग की उत्पति एवं प्रसार होता है। त्याग का अर्थ निःस्वार्थ होना नहीं है अक्षयधन से धनि होने का मार्ग ही त्याग है। त्याग का तात्पर्य संसार के भय से पलायन करना नहीं है, बल्कि जागर-समाज में विजयी होने का एकमात्र उपाय ही आत्मत्याग है; किन्तु वह त्याग स्वार्थबोधहीन होना चाहिए। जो त्याग के पथ पर अनजाने में भी अभिमान अथवा कामना की छाया का स्पर्श करता है, उसका अमूल्य दान भी मुट्ठीभर दुलदान की तरह तुच्छ हो जाता है।
  • शिक्षार्थी को यद् रखना होगा की उसका उद्देश्य अपनी उन्नति और कल्याण हो नहीं है, बल्कि जन -धर्म के प्रति दृष्टि रखकर ही वह शिक्षा दान करे। वही शिक्षार्थी को यथार्थ मनुष्य बनाकर स्वदेश सेवा में नियुक्त करता है। स्वदेश प्रेम जब हृदय में दृढ रुप से अंकित होकर देश की संस्कृति तथा आदर्श को गर्व के साथ श्रद्धा करना सिखाता है, तभी दूसरी जाती के महत्व तथा उच्च आदर्श को यथार्थ मर्म को ग्रहण करना संभव होता है अन्यथा आन्तर्जातिकता की दुहाई देकर दूसरी जाती का अनुकरण चरित्र को निकृष्ट कर देता है।

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 44

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as a writer - 2

In few words, Nivedita could convey many things to the reader. She had so great command over language that even today it is found difficult to translate her complete works so as to encompass in the translation all the nuances, meanings beautifully and effortlessly. Even Nivedita was conscious of the fact that she could say, 'I have attained Samadhi in grammar, whatever I write becomes the language'. She was not only a very good writer but she exerted great influence on the persons of the time some of whom became great literary figures. She was a regularly writing articles in twenty periodicals the subject always being India and her regeneration.

Nivedita exerted tremendous influence on the life of the famous Tamil poet Subrahmanya Bharati. Bharati met Nivedita only once. In that single meeting, she inflamed the spirit of patriotism in him that lasted forever. When Subrahmanya Bharati came to attend the Calcutta Congress in 1906, he met Nivedita. In that first meeting with her, he felt that she was the center of a great power. In the course of discussions, she learned that Bharati was married. She asked. 'Why haven't you come with your wife?' Bharati replied, 'In our society there is no tradition to take out one's wife openly to attend any meeting.' Hearing this, Nivedita flew into a rage and said, 'I am greatly pained to find yet another Indian who doesn't think his wife any better than a slave. What is the value of your education if you cannot raise your women kind to your own level? How can one part of the country achieve independence if the other part is kept enslaved? From now on, do not consider yourself separate from her. As you raise your ownself so also you raise her with the same care, and adore her like a celestial messenger.'

Bharati was overwhelmed. He begged to be pardoned by Nivedita and promised that he would follow each word of her advice in letter and spirit. At the time of taking leave, Nivedita said, blessing him. 'My child, drive away all the barriers from your mind. Get rid of the barbarous separation tendencies of religion, caste and creed. Fill your heart with love, and one day you'll find your name has made a bright place in the pages of history.'

To be continued...

Monday 9 April 2018

Sister Nivedita: The Dedicated - Who gave her all to India – 43

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Nivedita as a writer - 5

Nivedita was so fascinated by Kali. That her first book in India was "Kali, The Mother" which she started writing even when she was with Swamiji and others in Kashmir. Later, in 'Kali, the Mother', she was to set down what she felt the message of the goddess to be while in Kashmir: Arise, my child, and go forth a man! Bear manfully, what is thy lot to bear; that which comes to thy hand to be done, do with full strength, and fear not. Forget not that I, the giver of manhood, the giver of womanhood, the holder of victory, am thy Mother. Think not life is serious! What is destiny but thy Mother's play? Come, be My playfellow awhile, meet all happenings merrily . . . .  Ask not of plans. Need the arrow have any plan when it is loosed from the bow? Such art thou. When the life is dedicated, the plan will stand revealed. Till then, O child of time, know nothing! . . .  Ask nothing. . . .Seek nothing. . . . Plan nothing. . . . Let my will flow through thee, as the ocean through an empty shell.

Shrink not from defeat; embrace despair. Uproot every interest that would conflict with mine. Look for no mercy for thyself, and I shall make thee bearer of great vessels of mercy to others. Be steadfast in the toil I set thee. Strong, fearless, resolute-when the sun sets and the game is done thou shalt know well, little one, that I am Kali, am thy Mother.

It was this understanding of the Mother Kali that when Swami Vivekananda returned from Kshir Bhavani, Nivedita had laid her head at the feet of her guru and said, "Now I know my Divine Mother." Constant meditation on Kali had become so natural with Nivedita that she felt the presence of the Power that Kali symbolized. The editor of 'The Hindu Review' had once been to her house and wrote about his interesting interview with her as follows, "Once I was sitting with Nivedita in her house in Bosepara Lane, sipping tea out of her quaint Swadeshi cup. Suddenly the sky was overcast with black scowling clouds as oftentimes happens in our early summer evening; and there was immediately a marked change in the mood of my hostess. Her face seemed at once to reflect this awfully dynamic mood of Nature. It beamed with a new light, at once awful and lovely. And she sat silent, apprarently unconscious for the moment of my presence, looking intently through the window, at the gathering gloom about the earth and the heaven, and listening like one in trance, to the rising tumult of the growing storm. And just as there came, in a little while, the first flash of lightening followed by the crash of first thunder, she cried out with the bated breath – "Kali!"

To be continued...

Sunday 8 April 2018

Letter to Miss J. Macleod - 2

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

To Miss J. Macleod

Castle Kernan
Jan. 20th 1903, 3P.M.

...I am telling you all this -not because I am ambitious to mould the house in this way-but because the presence of fine American men and women, and their work, would be an immense strength to me-in every possible way.

It would give me shelter against you know what.
It would give strength in India itself.

And the Work-though it might be only Social, and without much Educational behind it, could be vastly helpful-provided it were safeguarded from becoming a finacial burden. Of course I want exquisite refinement and purity. Without these two qualifications all the gold of the Indies will not buy me. But these given, they are all. Nor do I propose a mission for life to anyone-"A winter in Calcutta" is quite sufficient.

I have written very like this to Swami Abhedananda after receiving the letter I speak of. And I write it also to you-so that you may know-in case of enquiry.

Do not think I am now only a machine. And yet I do feel curiously detached from everything but the Work-of which I can never have enough. I eat anythingn now, without a scruple, though I am of course as a matter of practice almost pure vegetarian!
