Today 23 Sep - Day and Night are equal of 12 hrs each
The message from Sri K K Shah, Minister for Health and Family Planning, Govt of India .....attached.
Sri Sanjivayya ji - The Minister for Labour and Rehabilitation, Govt of India, New Delhi writes to Mananeeya Eknath ji
Dear Sri Eknath Ranade
Thank you very much for your letter dated 26th August, 1970.
I am happy to know that the Swami Vivekananda Centenary Celebration and Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee is having a program of 60 day celebrations commencing with the inauguration of Vivekananda Rock Memorial by our Rashtrapati ji on 2nd September 1970.
Swami Vivekananda was one of the great religious leader and saint philosopher of our times. Swamiji's message of tolerance and love towards all and hatred towards none is of vital significance for bringing about peace and harmony in the troubled world of today. The best tribute that we can pay to this world teacher is to follow in actual life his teachings.
I send my best wishes for the success of the celebrations.
With regards.

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