Shree Sudhir Phadke, Music Director and Singer, Mumbai on 23 Sep 1976 - आज विवेकानन्द शिला स्मारक का दर्शन किया | आज का दिन मेरे आयुष्य में सबसे सौभाग्य का है| इस स्फूर्ति स्थान का वर्णन करने के लिए मेरे पास शब्द नहीं है| प्रभु रामचन्द्रजी ने सेतू बंधन किया उसकी याद आती है |हर भारतीय के लिए यह स्मारक स्थान अभिमान स्थान है ही परन्तु साथ साथ हर मनुष्य के लिए यह गौरव स्थान है |
Shree Maha Singh, DEVELOPMENT & TRANSPORT MINISTER- HARYANA on 25 Sep 1974 - I was very much delighted to have visited "Swami Vivekananda Memorial ". You derive ever pleasure, mental peace & like to continue to stay for meditation. Here is real India, if we have such memorials the country will be emotionally integrated. The Rock committee is rendering greatest service more specially in training Sannyasies to preach the gospel of Swamiji. I wish the committee great success.
Shree N. T. Shanmugam, Union Minister of State for Coal (independent charge) on 25 Sep 2000 - The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is a place of tourist importance. The place has its great history. Here only the Swami got the inspiration: " Service to humanity is service to God ". With this inspiration the Swami went to America (Chicago) and attained the world fame by his address to humanity. Let the people try to serve his concept of service. The Rock Memorial is well maintained. The people would get inspiration by visiting this memorial. The people managing this memorial deserve every praise and encouragement. I am delighted by this visit to the Rock.
Shree Shivaji Patil, Minister of State for Irrigation, Power and Protocol, Maharashtra on 26 Sep 1970 - This is the second time I am visiting great ROCK now turn in a dream come true. The Inspiration that Swamiji got here has given the world some glimpses of the greatness of Hindu Religion. This great Monument I am sure will continue to give inspiration to coming generation and enthuse them to build the image of India in whole world. This great monument has been made possible in so short a time because of untiring work of many, some of them real devotees of SWAMIJI. Here one feels the inspiration which is beyond words. My wife also came with me and she also had the same feeling.
Shree V R Natarajan, Vijaya Bank Ltd Broadway, Madras on 27 Sep 1972 - It is known to us that we are having a glorious past i.e. our civilisation was superior to any other country. Even now our people are superior to any other country. Our glorious civilisation was brought to the notice of the world by various mahans, among them chief is Swami Vivekananda. Let us not talk and write much, but dedicate to serve our mother land in thoughts and words and deeds. This rock memorial is really superb, as mentioned by many. There can not be two opinions about this. We are grateful to people who are behind this creation- some are known- some may be unknown. They get the blessings of God and the good wishes of the teeming millions of our mother land and also the whole world. This is an immortal monument.
Shree Satish Chandra, Secretary , National Security Council on 27 Sep 2001 - A magnificent monument to one of the greatest souls of India. Extremely well maintained and a source of inspiration to all visitors. I was particularly impressed by the meditation Hall.

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