Sri Aney's Forwarding Letter to Pt. Nehru
M.S. Aney,
Member of Parliament
161, South Avenue,
New Delhi - 11
December 25, 1963
My dear Shri Jawaharlal Nehru,
I am forwarding to you an appeal in connection with the proposed project of erecting a statue of Swami Vivekananda on the Vivekananda Rock at Kanyakumari, issued jointly by more than three hundred Members of Parliament. A second copy of the same (in the original) has been forwarded to Shri Bhaktavatsalam, Chief Minister, Madras State.
The document under the joint signatures of a huge number of Parliament Members, representing all Parties and all States, expresses the strong desire in the country to have a memorial of Swamiji in the form of his statue on the Kanyakumari Rock, the spot where he contemplated the mission of his life. It is but meet that the Government should also bless the project right when the whole country is celebrating the first Birth Centenary of Swamiji. I am sure it should be possible for you and the Chief Minister, Madras, to see that the All India Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee - formed for that purpose and headed by Shri Mannath Padmanabhan - gets the necessary permission to implement its noble project.
Yours sincerely,
Sd./- M.S. Aney
Prime Minister's reply to Aney
No. 2999-PMH/63 Prime Minister's House
New Delhi December 27, 1963
Dear Shri Aney,
I have received your letter of December 25 with which you have forwarded to me the signatures of over three hundred Members of Parliament for the erection of a statue of Swami Vivekananda at Kanyakumari. So far as the Government of India is concerned, we would welcome the erection of such a statue. But you will appreciate that this is entirely a matter for the Madras Government to decide. I am writing to the Chief Minister of Madras on this subject.
I might inform you that I am going to Madras on the 18th of January to unveil a statue of Swami Vivekananda in the city there.
Yours sincerely,
SdV- Jawaharlal Nehru

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