Sunday 1 February 2015

What is firm centre of your life?

|| योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ||

The life's mission is fixed. What is useful, suitable, congenial and contributory to the mission will only be done and the rest will be simply neglected. This is the touchstone of the life. It gives an insight for acceptance and rejection of worldly things and behaviours.
And with this, lot of changes start coming in the life of a person. Everything is done with great attention and to the advantage of the mission of life. Eknathji says :

If there be many trains in a big junction going in various directions, a person who does not know his destination will be perplexed. But the one, who knows, will not be confused. He knows the train, the platform and the time of his train and he moves accordingly. There are many arts, sciences, books and branches of knowledge, but their utility will be decided by the touchstone of the purpose before us.
We have a central project. There is a centre i.e. the main purpose and all activities will move around this centre. If there is no goal in life, a man thinks of being a musician today, an athlete tomorrow, an orator on the third day and even may think of being a sermonizer giving religious discourses. Like a grass-hopper he will hop from one thing to another and will gather nothing. One must wisely judge one's aptitude, competency and potentialities. Then he can make a selection and an election.  Otherwise a person is labeled as eccentric and whimsical. His behaviours is unpredictable as he has no goal of life. Our life must be properly organized round one firm centre.

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