Saturday 7 February 2015

Mission gives rebirth

|| योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ||

Mananeeya Eknathji says knowing the purpose of life is a second birth and for a human being, this stage is very important. The karyakartas who have joined the Kendra to do the work for realising Swamiji's vision of Jagadguru Bharat have in a sense got the mission of life. Is it not a second birth for them? He says :
Discovering the Life's mission is the most important point in life. After the thread-ceremony a person is supposed to be born again; he is called dwija or a twiceborn. The first birth from the mother's womb is only our existence, but after the thread-ceremony when the goal is fixed, then he is born anew. So also, when a person comes face to face with his mission, then he is born again. Till then he only subsists and his life is not begun. When the mission dawns upon him, he finds the purpose of his life and also realizes his own place in the world.
We know, Narendra was born as Vivekananda at Kanyakumari after 3 days and night meditation on Bharat Mata on 25-26-27 Dec 1892. Swamiji says : My brother, in view of all this, specially of the poverty and ignorance, I had no sleep. At Cape Comorin sitting in Mother Kumari's temple, sitting on the last bit of Indian rock--I hit upon a plan: We are so many sannyasins wandering about, and teaching the people metaphysics--it is all madness. Did not our Gurudeva [Divine Master] use to say, "An empty stomach is no good for religion"? That those poor people are leading the life of brutes is simply due to ignorance. We have for all ages been sucking their blood and trampling them underfoot.
. . . Suppose some disinterested sannyasins, bent on doing good to others, go from village to village, disseminating education and seeking in various ways to better the condition of all down to the Chandala, through oral teaching, and by means of maps, cameras, globes, and such other accessories--can't that bring forth good in time? All these plans I cannot write out in this short letter. The long and the short of it is--if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain. The poor are too poor to come to schools and Pathashalas, and they will gain nothing by reading poetry and all that sort of thing. We, as a nation, have lost our individuality, and that is the cause of all mischief in India. We have to give back to the nation its lost individuality and raise the masses. The Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian, all have trampled them underfoot. Again the force to raise them must come from inside, that is, from the orthodox Hindus. In every country the evils exist not with, but against, religion. Religion therefore is not to blame, but men.
     To effect this, the first thing we need is men, and the next is funds. Through the grace of our Guru I was sure to get from ten to fifteen men in every town. I next travelled in search of funds, but do you think the people of India were going to spend money! . . . Selfishness personified--are they to spend anything? Therefore I have come to America, to earn money myself, and then return to my country and devote the rest of my days to the realization of this one aim of my life. (Life of Swami Vivekananda page -Vol 1 : 536-537)

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