Tuesday 16 December 2014

Eknathji Trains Karyakartas

|| योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ||

Mananeeya Eknathji having made karyakartas thought over the Positive Urge that they have, he puts second essential need to be a Karyakarta working for Society as
Readiness to transform oneself as a fit instrument of service
About this Ekanthji says :
In an individual, there is an innate urge to transform oneself as a fit instrument to serve. The transformation is necessary in a number of ways. It can be physical, intellectual, emotional and also pertaining to personal habits. Unless you have this transformation, you cannot serve. Let us analyze this from various angles.

i) Physical: You must possess a healthy, strong body, full of stamina and vitality, to enable you to undertake any hard work when circumstances demand it. Not only you must be physically fit, but you must also be prepared to keep fit. A weak body prone to indolence and ailments, and physical disability will be grave handicaps.

ii) Intellectual: You must have a capacity to understand things and situations in their right perspective.
        For this you must have a sharp intellect.
        You must possess the know-how and you must be able to handle men and matters in the correct way when you serve.
        You must be well-informed in the technique of administration.
        You will be expected to present your point of view correctly and effectively.
        The ability to speak and to write well is essential.
        You must possess the capacity to plan not only programmes and items of expenditure but also to execute the schemes and maintain accounts properly.
In short, your mental faculties and your whole intellectual apparatus have their part to play.

iii) The emotional make-up also needs transformation. If you are irritable or excitable it will harm your work. If you have a bad temper and if people shun you because of lack of grace and tact in your speech and behaviour, you will not be fit to serve. Social service implies composure of mind, fine sentiments coupled with complete control over your mind.

In short, in service, your outer and inner life has to undergo transformation. It is important that you are mentally prepared to discipline your body, mind and emotions. It becomes painful to those whose desire to transform themselves suitably is not intense. Even to get up at 4 or 4.30 a.m. may be painful to them. All habits including those of food and drink may have to be changed.
So this also can be presumed that you are mentally prepared for an all-round transformation for your own self.

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