Tuesday 26 May 2015

SYBOM in Prarthana

|| योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ||

Mananeeya Eknathji gave importance in conveying the things which he felt utmost necessary and essential. And for that matter, he would not mind going out of the way.

In the Prarthana, Mananeeya Eknathji wanted to convey the Vedic Mantra
"Shrunvantu Vishve Amrutasya Putrah aaye dhamani divyani tasthu:..." Referring to this Swami Vivekananda had said that the day the Rishis in the yore hailed the human beings as Children of Immortality, India became eternal land with the eternal message.Eknathji too wanted very much to have the same immortal words in the prayer. Vidyavachaspati Shridhar Bhaskar Varnekarji who gave words to concepts of Eknathji narrated that when he reported to Eknathji that it was difficult to use those words while having same metre, Eknathji told him, "Then change the metre but the same words have to be used" . Thus the metre of the second stanza is different.  It is Upajati  while that of the first stanza is Malini and 3rd stanza is Bhujangaprayata,  and 4th one is Anushtup.

This is the beauty and greatness of Eknathji and his every work. Each of the stanza of Prarthana is having different meter to suit the purpose for which it has been made. And this aspect, every worker needs to keep in mind as to where one should be elastic, ready to bend the rules and where one should be strict following rules in principle and letter.

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