Thursday 25 February 2016

India has a message...

Waking up to our inherent strength would mean faith in ourselves, faith in India – the kind that we see Swami Vivekananda had. Imagine in those days when India was under the British domination, when she was wallowing in ignorance, poverty, without any faith in herself and imitating the West, Swamiji said that India had a message to give to the world! He saw a glorious India rising! It is that faith that we should all have - faith in ourselves and in our people.
Swami Vivekananda observed very painfully that we are the only people who have the highest philosophy and yet the treatment to our people is the worst. We talk of oneness with the whole creation and yet we remain unconcerned about what happens to our society.  Swami Vivekananda  said,
"But above all, let me once more remind you that here is need of practical work, and the first part of that is that you should go to the sinking millions of India, and take them by the hand, remembering the words of the Lord Krishna: "Even in this life they have conquered relative existence whose minds are firm - fixed on the sameness of everything, for God is pure and the same to all; therefore, such are said to be living in God." (CWSV, vol. III, p. 433.)

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