|| योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ||
Deepavali ki shubhakamanye aur Pranams!
Mananeeya Eknathji says : Ours is an organization, a missionary organization, a service missionary organization and this communion with the Self makes it is spiritually-oriented mission. This communion for half an hour gives immense strength and power, perhaps equal to that of one thousand elephants, for the rest of your Sadhana. We get an unparalleled delight and it removes the monotony of life. It charges you and changes you beyond recognition, not the physical form, but your outlook on life.
Some more points which need to be kept in mind : Be prompt in correspondence and transparent in dealings When you move out, keep a note-book, and of course, the money purse. Every expenditure that you incur must be immediately noted to avoid confusion later on. Note any thought or word you remember. Never miss an appointment. Others may be late, but you must be in time. Never forget or delay in answering the letters that you receive. Delay results in denial and that is harmful to the social worker. Not to reply letters is turning the back to the public and this is ungentlemanly as well as ridiculous. We cease to have a personal life and every correspondence even to parents and friends must go into the office file. It should be recorded, as it is a necessary thing for a public worker.

Deepavali ki shubhakamanye aur Pranams!
Mananeeya Eknathji says : Ours is an organization, a missionary organization, a service missionary organization and this communion with the Self makes it is spiritually-oriented mission. This communion for half an hour gives immense strength and power, perhaps equal to that of one thousand elephants, for the rest of your Sadhana. We get an unparalleled delight and it removes the monotony of life. It charges you and changes you beyond recognition, not the physical form, but your outlook on life.
Some more points which need to be kept in mind : Be prompt in correspondence and transparent in dealings When you move out, keep a note-book, and of course, the money purse. Every expenditure that you incur must be immediately noted to avoid confusion later on. Note any thought or word you remember. Never miss an appointment. Others may be late, but you must be in time. Never forget or delay in answering the letters that you receive. Delay results in denial and that is harmful to the social worker. Not to reply letters is turning the back to the public and this is ungentlemanly as well as ridiculous. We cease to have a personal life and every correspondence even to parents and friends must go into the office file. It should be recorded, as it is a necessary thing for a public worker.
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