|| योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ||

Mananeeya Eknathji wanted organised work to take place in the country. It will organise Hindus which Swamiji also wanted. Finding the good and speacilities in every body, we should go on multiplying the number which will not only further improve the good qualities but the bad ones will slowly taper off. Eknathji gives us 'Dos and don'ts' of building a team or workers
There is a technique in building a band of workers. Our right behaviour and capacity will be conducive to this. There is a book, "How to win friends and influence people" written by Dale Carnegie, an American writer. He has dealt with the topic from many angles stating how to talk to the people and even how to win the people who are not well disposed towards you. But the techniques are useful and workable in the highly commercialized, organized society of Americans. They are of little value to use in India and for social workers like us, whose aim is, not to influence the people, but to win the people for our cause. The world 'influence' has a bad odour attached to it.
He says, meet a person, praise and admire him, create a congenial atmosphere and take the opportunity to open the topic of the visit. But here we take the wrong advantage of human weakness. Everybody likes praise and hence to get our work done we exploit this weakness. There are general weaknesses common to all and there are particular weaknesses special to an individual. We make him bend to his weakness; we thereby strengthen the weakness. We should not desire to play upon his weakness. We should not take advantage of his weakness to bring him into our fold. We would make him our worker in the team by love, affection and communion with him.
There is a technique in building a band of workers. Our right behaviour and capacity will be conducive to this. There is a book, "How to win friends and influence people" written by Dale Carnegie, an American writer. He has dealt with the topic from many angles stating how to talk to the people and even how to win the people who are not well disposed towards you. But the techniques are useful and workable in the highly commercialized, organized society of Americans. They are of little value to use in India and for social workers like us, whose aim is, not to influence the people, but to win the people for our cause. The world 'influence' has a bad odour attached to it.
He says, meet a person, praise and admire him, create a congenial atmosphere and take the opportunity to open the topic of the visit. But here we take the wrong advantage of human weakness. Everybody likes praise and hence to get our work done we exploit this weakness. There are general weaknesses common to all and there are particular weaknesses special to an individual. We make him bend to his weakness; we thereby strengthen the weakness. We should not desire to play upon his weakness. We should not take advantage of his weakness to bring him into our fold. We would make him our worker in the team by love, affection and communion with him.
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