Monday 4 November 2019

Chronology of VRM 1967



09.01.1967         Decided to purchase land and house at Kanyakumari.

09.01.1967         Accepted recommendations of the Secretary, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu, to lay submarine cable in the sea-bed in place of Committee's

                            plan of erecting towers with over-head lines for carrying power to the Rock.

09.01.1967         "Vivekananda Commemoration Volume Preparation Committee" with its headquarters at Delhi was formed:

                           Headed by :  Dr. Lokesh Chandra

Director, International Academy and Indian Culture, Delhi.


Members:      1.  Sri Sitaram Goel

                             Author and Journalist, Delhi.


                        2.  Sri Devendra Swaroop Agarwal

                                                                    Lecturer, D.A.V. College, Delhi

09.01.1967         Sri C.N. Annadurai was co-opted as a member of the General Body.

26.01.1967         Sri R.G. Buldeo becomes the Secretary of the Works Sub-Committee as Sri S. Venkataraman was transferred to Madras.

26.01.1967         Dressing of stones for courses 1 to 19 completed.

26.01.1967         Dressing of stones for cellar Hall over.

06.03.1967         Resolved to insure the workmen on the Project at Kanyakumari under the "Workmen's Compensation Act".

06.03.1967         Decided to buy LCM Boat.

06.05.1967         The tug boat purchased at Cochin for Rs.55,000/- arrived.  It was named as "Agastya".  Rowing boat built as per our orders came along with tug boat.

                                       Ratified the purchase of 4 steel pontoons from the Southern Railway, Madras for Rs.35,687.76.

08.05.1967         It was decided to utilize the one-rupee donation cards prepared by the Madras State Committee for the collection of donation from the visitors to the Rock.

16.05.1967         A 16 mm. film pertaining to the Rock Memorial work was projected before the members of the Managing Committee at the Indian Institute of Engineering technology

                        Arcot Road, Kodambakkam, Madras.

27.08.1967         Revised estimate Rs.50 lakhs.

03.09.1967         Reservoir No. 2 is ready.

10.09.1967         Decided to print 1-rupee coupon for collection campaign.

10.09.1967         Resolved to purchase the entire stretch of land lying between the main road and the sea-shore.

12.10.1967         Stone masonry work started on the Rock (Vijaya Dasami Day) Meditation Hall work taken up first.

03.12.1967         "Vivekananda Kendra" name was suggested for conducting activities preached and envisaged by Swami Vivekananda.

15.12.1967         First time an Archakar came from Kanyakumari Devi Temple and did Pooja and Abhishekam at Devi Padam.

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