Friday 11 May 2018

The Transformation OF Margaret Into Nivedita - 1

यतो धर्म: ततो जय:

Bharat or Britain?

Margaret reached India in January, 1898. In March of that year in a brief ceremony Swami Vivekananda initiated Margaret and dedicated her to India giving her the name 'Nivedita' - 'the Dedicated'.

After the ceremony, he asked his disciple, in a rather exultant mood, to which nation she now belonged. He was startled to hear her reply, uttered with a deep passion of loyalty, that it was to England she belonged. The newly-initiated disciple was entirely unaware of the contradictions in her reply as Swamiji perceived it.

But Swamiji's discovery of the superficial way in which the disciple had joined herself with his people did not in any degree affect his confidence in her or the courtesy shown to her. Nivedita herself attests to this generosity of her Master in her book – "The Master as I Saw Him". It speaks volumes for the faith the Master had in his disciple and the patience he was ready to show in the matter of training her. Perhaps he was also deciding the course that the training this disciple needed had to take. He must have realised that opportunities must be created for her to understand India in the right perspective.

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