ॐ वीरेश्वराय विद्महे विवेकानन्दाय धीमहि । तन्नो वीर: प्रचोदयात् ।
A dazzling intellect, strong physique, boundless courage and supreme self-confidence made him peerless right from childhood. The amazing teenager had some dreams about the future.
Every night before falling asleep he used to see two visions, utterly dissimilar in nature.
In one vision he was a powerful monarch sitting on a throne enjoying name, fame, wealth, all the worldly luxuries and a blissful family.
Another vision was of a sannyasin, a wandering monk, who was bereft of earthly security and devoted to the contemplation of God.
The youngster felt, “I have the power to realize either of these ideals; but when my mind reflects on their respective virtues, I am inevitably drawn to the life of renunciation. The glamour of the world fades and disappears.”
His deeper self, instinctively chose the austere path.
Thus the boisterous youth, Naren, became Swami Vivekananda--- a great scholar, philosopher, valiant monk, wandering mystic, India’s spiritual ambassador to the West, Patriot Saint and social reformer yearning for the progress of India-- in fact an amalgamation of all this and more. His ringing words and masterful oratory galvanized the slumbering nation, inspiring self-confidence among Indians.
From a mischievous fearless dare devil ‘Biley’ or ‘Naren’ to Yuganayak Vivekananda is a scintillating journey indeed. Let’s explore the making of the great visionary of India.
Every night before falling asleep he used to see two visions, utterly dissimilar in nature.
In one vision he was a powerful monarch sitting on a throne enjoying name, fame, wealth, all the worldly luxuries and a blissful family.
Another vision was of a sannyasin, a wandering monk, who was bereft of earthly security and devoted to the contemplation of God.
The youngster felt, “I have the power to realize either of these ideals; but when my mind reflects on their respective virtues, I am inevitably drawn to the life of renunciation. The glamour of the world fades and disappears.”
His deeper self, instinctively chose the austere path.
Thus the boisterous youth, Naren, became Swami Vivekananda--- a great scholar, philosopher, valiant monk, wandering mystic, India’s spiritual ambassador to the West, Patriot Saint and social reformer yearning for the progress of India-- in fact an amalgamation of all this and more. His ringing words and masterful oratory galvanized the slumbering nation, inspiring self-confidence among Indians.
From a mischievous fearless dare devil ‘Biley’ or ‘Naren’ to Yuganayak Vivekananda is a scintillating journey indeed. Let’s explore the making of the great visionary of India.
...... From YUGANAYAK - forthcoming book in English by Swarnalata Bhishikar
Today's-Special : 12-August in Swami Vivekananda Life
Feel the spirit within you
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. . . Are you Strong? Do you feel Strength? — for I know it is Truth alone that gives Strength. Strength is the medicine for the world’s disease . . .
This is the great fact: "Strength is LIFE; Weakness is Death."- Swami Vivekananda
Today's-Special : 12-August in Swami Vivekananda Life
12 Aug 1893 : Swami Vivekananda leaves for Boston from Chicago
12 Aug 1896 : Letter to Mr E T Sturdy - Capt. and Mrs. Sevier and myself will expect you at Kiel.
I haven't yet written anything nor read anything. I am indeed taking a good rest. Do not be anxious, you will have the article ready. I had a letter from the Math stating that the other Swami is ready to start. He will, I am sure, be just the man you want. He is one of the best Sanskrit scholars we have . . . and as I hear, he has improved his English much. I had a number of newspaper cuttings from America about Saradananda — I hear from them that he has done very well there. America is a good training ground to bring out all that is in a man. There is such a sympathy in the air.
Sister Christine writes : Our love for India came to birth, I think, when we first heard him say the word, 'India', in that marvellous voice of his. It seems incredible that so much could have been put into one small word of five letters. There was love, passion, pride, longing, adoration, tragedy, chivalry, heimweh, and again love. Whole volumes could not have produced such a feeling in others. It had the magic power of creating love in those who heard it. Ever after, India became the land of heart's desire. Everything concerning her became of interest - became living - her people, her history, architecture, her manners and customs, her rivers, mountains, plains, her culture, her great spiritual concepts, her scriptures. And so began a new life, a life of study, of meditation. The centre of interest was shifted.
12 Aug 1896 : Letter to Mr E T Sturdy - Capt. and Mrs. Sevier and myself will expect you at Kiel.
I haven't yet written anything nor read anything. I am indeed taking a good rest. Do not be anxious, you will have the article ready. I had a letter from the Math stating that the other Swami is ready to start. He will, I am sure, be just the man you want. He is one of the best Sanskrit scholars we have . . . and as I hear, he has improved his English much. I had a number of newspaper cuttings from America about Saradananda — I hear from them that he has done very well there. America is a good training ground to bring out all that is in a man. There is such a sympathy in the air.
Sister Christine writes : Our love for India came to birth, I think, when we first heard him say the word, 'India', in that marvellous voice of his. It seems incredible that so much could have been put into one small word of five letters. There was love, passion, pride, longing, adoration, tragedy, chivalry, heimweh, and again love. Whole volumes could not have produced such a feeling in others. It had the magic power of creating love in those who heard it. Ever after, India became the land of heart's desire. Everything concerning her became of interest - became living - her people, her history, architecture, her manners and customs, her rivers, mountains, plains, her culture, her great spiritual concepts, her scriptures. And so began a new life, a life of study, of meditation. The centre of interest was shifted.
Feel the spirit within you

. . . Are you Strong? Do you feel Strength? — for I know it is Truth alone that gives Strength. Strength is the medicine for the world’s disease . . .
This is the great fact: "Strength is LIFE; Weakness is Death."
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