Wednesday 13 July 2016

Self Confidence

Swami Vivekananda gave us the great idea of 'divinity in man'. This is highly valuable even to persons who are not

particularly interested in religious pursuits. If man is divine, it automatically follows that faith, strength, courage, and infinite

power are the constituents of man's life. These are there in one's life even if one does not practice any orthodox religion.

The old religion says that a man who does not believe in God is an atheist. Swami Vivekananda said that the man who does

not believe in himself is an atheist. Does not an honest atheist wield greater power for good than those whose religion

begins and ends in only lip-worship?

Thus Swami Vivekananda awakened religious feelings even in the hearts of those who are barred by orthodoxy from the

portals of religion. Since the time Swami Vivekananda spoke, many so-called atheists, following his message, have become

deeply and genuinely religious. Because an honest atheist has the courage of conviction, he follows the light of his

conscience and afterwards finds that conscience is the voice of God and develops love for God. Many religious persons talk

of God and religion but do not follow in practice what they say. They talk of God but do not show in action that they have

any faith in God. They are morally cowards, seek worldly security and are unable to take any risk even for a good and noble

cause. Swami Vivekananda had no sympathy for these kinds of people. He wanted young men bold, strong, virile, who

would be ready to face death if need be -for they are truly fit for the realization of God. Have not the Upanisads spoken of

people - ever optimistic, strong and determined? One of the reasons why Swami Vivekananda loved the Upanisads is that

they speak of strength and self-confidence. He loved the Kathopanisad very much because, in it is found a young aspirant

Nachiketa who could go to the God of Death for spiritual knowledge, saying to himself :

'I am the best amongst many.

I am mediocre amongst many.

What duties will Death ask me to do?'


He did not say he was nothing, the lowest of all, the worst amongst many, etc. He had not cultivated the habit of

self-depreciation or self-denunciation like many so-called religious persons.

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