Shree Raghunath Jha, MP from Bihar visited Vivekananda Rock Memorial on 18 Sep 2001 : आज दिनांक १८/०९/२००१ को कृषि विभाग के स्थयी समिति के माननीय सांसदों एवं पदाधिकारीयों के साथ विवेकानंद मेमोरियल को देखने का मौका मिला| भारत की एकता एवं अखंडता के प्रति स्वामी विवेकानंद जी ने इस स्थान पर रहकर जो ज्ञान प्राप्त किया उसको दुनियाँ ने स्वीकारा | हम सभी यहाँ आकर धन्य धन्य हुए |
Shree Devi Prasad Singh, M P Rajyasabha - स्व.एकनाथ रानडे जी की कल्पना को चित्ररूप में वर्षों पूर्व देखा था आज उसी कल्पना को स्वामी विवेकानन्द शिला स्मारक मूर्त (साकार ) रूप में देखकर मन विभोर हो उठा और मा. रानडे जी एक बार पुनः श्रद्धा के पात्र बन गए |
Smt. Jamanadevi Barupal, M P Rajyasabha - आज दिनांक १८/०९/२००१ को कृषि विभाग की पार्लियामेंट की स्थाई कमेटी के सदस्य के रूप में आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान के प्रेता स्वामी श्री विवेकानन्द जी की मूर्ति के दर्शन कर धन्य धन्य हो गये| मेरी सभी हिन्दू भाइयों से प्रार्थना है कि स्वामी जी के बताये मार्ग पर चलकर अपना जीवन सफल बनाये |
Shree Mahboob Zehadi, M.P. ,Katwa (WB) - This tour is really very beautiful. If any one comes to Kanyakumari be must visit this place. Architecturally the place one of the important in India. This architect attracts worlds people. Good wishes to maintainer. Thanks
Shree Jeevan Lal Kapur, Retd. Judge Supreme Court on 19 Sep 1971 - This memorial to a great son of India is a fitting monument which shows that we in India honour our great Swamiji and religious messenger. The architecture of this memorial stands out as a unique one and is credit to those who conceived of the idea and those who executed it. It has become a place of homage and a place which is visited by all those who are drawn to Kanyakumari to pray at the temple of the Goddess and those who come with a lesser zeal of non religious nature and only want to see lands end in India with nothing in between this southernmost tip of the south pole.
Shree Sushanta Niyogi, G.M.STATE BANK OF TRAVENCORE TRIVENDRAM on 19 Sep 1971 - THE VRM is a unique temple of India. It is sanctified by the hallowed memory of the famous son of INDIA--THE SWAMIJI. Every son and daughter of India should be proud of this unique place of prayer, meditation, faith & hope for the humanity at large. The place is also second to none in location, architecture ,cleanliness and every visitors attempt to do his utmost to see that the place dose not only lose its luster, glory, but maintains the other characterastics stated above. This is the least that they can do in revered memory of great saint –Swami Vivekananda. JAI HIND.