Tuesday 4 June 2013

15th May Swami Vivekananda Life

15th May, 1902 :
Letter to Joe
I am somewhat better, but of course far from what I expected. A great idea of quiet has come upon me. I am going to retire for good -- no more work for me. If possible, I will revert to my old days of begging.
Letter To Mme. Emma CalvĂ©  [This letter of condolence was written upon the death of Mme. CalvĂ©'s father and enclosed in a letter to Miss Josephine Mac Leod.]

With great sorrow I learn the sad bereavement that has come upon you.These blows must come upon us all. They are in the nature of things, yet they are so hard to bear.

The force of association makes out of this unreal world a reality; and the longer the company, the more real seems the shadow. But the day comes when the unreal goes to the unreal, and, ah, how sad to bear.

Yet that which is real, the Soul, is ever with us, omnipresent. Blessed is the person who has seen the real in this world of vanishing shadows.

Join the year long 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda : sv150.org  Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari

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