Thursday 25 April 2013

17th February in Swami Vivekananda Life

17 February :
17 Feb 1896 : Lectures in NY: "Human representation of the divine ideal of love" and "Conclusion" - Shanta, Dasya, Sakhya, Vatsalya, Madhura types of Bhakti - Man, O man, you speak of divine love and at the same time are able to attend to all the vanities of this world — are you sincere? "Where RĂ¢ma is, there is no room for any desire — where desire is, there is no room for Rama; these never coexist — like light and darkness they are never together."
In 10th lecture on Bhakti, Swami Vivekananda tells : We all have to begin as dualists in the religion of love. God is to us a separate Being, and we feel ourselves to be separate beings also. Love then comes in the middle, and man begins to approach God, and God also comes nearer and nearer to man. Man takes up all the various relationships of life, as father, as mother, as son, as friend, as master, as lover, and projects them on his ideal of love, on his God. To him God exists as all these, and the last point of his progress is reached when he feels that he has become absolutely merged in the object of his worship. We all begin with love for ourselves, and the unfair claims of the little self make even love selfish. At last, however, comes the full blaze of light, in which this little self is seen to have become one with the Infinite. Man himself is transfigured in the presence of this Light of Love, and he realises at last the beautiful and inspiring truth that Love, the Lover, and the Beloved are One.
Letter: Alasinga Perumal from US ...Have patience, my son--it will grow beyond all your expectations. . . . Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later. ..The dry, abstract Advaita must become living--poetic--in everyday life; out of hopelessly intricate mythology must come concrete moral forms; and out of bewildering Yogi-ism must come the most scientific and practical psychology--and all this must be put in a form so that a child may grasp it. 

That is my life's work.

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