Wednesday 24 April 2013

14th February in Swami Vivekananda Life

14 February :
14 Feb 1897 : Swami Vivekananda spoke on 'The Future of India' in Madras - The glory of India - Race, religion, language, government — all these together make a nation - The one common ground that we have is our sacred tradition, our religion. That is the only common ground, and upon that we shall have to build....We know that to the Indian mind there is nothing higher than religious ideals, that this is the keynote of Indian life, and we can only work in the line of least resistance....The one tendency will be to strengthen the man, to make the blood pure, the body vigorous, so that it will be able to resist and throw off all external poisons.... this vitality in religion .. is the life of our race and that must be strengthened. You have withstood the shocks of centuries simply because you took great care of it, you sacrificed everything else for it. Your forefathers underwent everything boldly, even death itself, but preserved their religion. Temple alter temple was broken down by the foreign conqueror, but no sooner had the wave passed than the spire of the temple rose up again. Some of these old temples of Southern India and those like Somnâth of Gujarat will teach you volumes of wisdom, will give you a keener insight into the history of the race than any amount of books. Mark how these temples bear the marks of a hundred attacks and a hundred regenerations, continually destroyed and continually springing up out of the ruins, rejuvenated and strong as ever! That is the national mind, that is the national life-current. Follow it and it leads to glory....My idea is first of all to bring out the gems of spirituality..the ideas must be taught in the language of the people; at the same time, Sanskrit education must go on along with it, because the very sound of Sanskrit words gives a prestige and a power and a strength to the race...The solution for caste problem is not by bringing down the higher, but by raising the lower up to the level of the higher. And that is the line of work that is found in all our books....What is meant by a Rishi? The pure one. Be pure first, and you will have power....Therefore to make a great future India, the whole secret lies in organization, accumulation of power, co-ordination of wills...We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library... we will make it a non-sectarian temple, having only "Om" as the symbol, the greatest symbol of any sect. If there is any sect here which believes that "Om" ought not to be the symbol, it has no right to call itself Hindu.

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